Friday, September 30, 2005

My Reward, dinner!

Originally uploaded by shawnchin.
"Before the reward there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy."
~~ Ralph Ransom

Treated myself to a wonderful dinner. Took 40 minutes to cook/clean, and less than 10 minutes to sapu everything.

Why the reward? It's been 2 weeks since classes began, and I have not missed a single class, nor lost interest in the topics covered. For me, that's a GREAT achievement!

(Barbecue sausages and home made char siew [叉烧], stir fried cabbage, and white rice.)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

"Made in Scotland, from Girders"

Originally uploaded by shawnchin.
Scotland is interestingly the only country (is it?) where the most popular caffeinated soft drink isn't Coke or Pepsi.

Say hello to IRN-BRU!

"Irn-Bru is most famous for its eccentric bright orange colour, making it easily recognisable even when not in its packaging.

Some believe that it makes an excellent mixer with alcoholic beverages — mainly vodka and scotch whisky.

Bru is widely reputed to be an excellent cure for hangovers."

~~ extracted from Wikipedia

You're blocking my view

Originally uploaded by shawnchin.
My room window faces in the general direction of Holyrood Park, a beautiful place.

Too bad this apartment building just had to be in the way. So, instead of the vast green fields and the majestic Arthur's Seat (an extinct volcano rising 832ft above sea level), I see a wall and a window.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Cobbled stone streets

Originally uploaded by shawnchin.
"The OLD TOWN, although only about a mile long and 300 yards wide, represents the total extent of the twin burghs of Edinburgh and Canongate for the first 650 years of their existence, and it's general appearance and character remain indubitably medieval."

Just another photo to kickstart this blog

Originally uploaded by shawnchin.
Looking towards Holyrood Park from the foyer of the Scottish Parliament.

So what's this blog about?

Originally uploaded by shawnchin.
For now, it'll be where I publish my photos. Nothing special here... move along :p

Later on, I'll probably throw in things I want an online record of - HOWTOs, recipes that i've tried and like, random thoughts, ..

Few more photos coming up... just came back from a walk around my new apartment, and along the Royal Mile.

Hello World

Originally uploaded by shawnchin.
Finally took the initiative to bring the camera around. And since I was in the mood, I though that I might as well set up a blog and my flickr site to post the photos as well.